
General Instructions

  • The school hours are from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm.
  • Irregular attendance habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty, obscenity in word or act, in subordination or serious misconduct or threats even outside school are sufficient reasons for dismissal.
  • All students and parents must obey and follow the madrasa rules and regulations and Quranic culture inside and outside the academy.
  • It is very important and responsibility of the parent to attend all the functions, meetings, parental training etc…
  • We always encourage Parent –Teacher communication within the permitted time.
  • We always encourage Food and Nutrition inside and outside the campus. Junk foods, artificial drinks, spicy chips, unhealthy chocolates are not encouraged.
  • Students should not bring any Toys, Currency, Unwanted books, dangerous materials etc.…
  • Student should not be sent to school when they suffering from any contagious or infectious disease. After recovery they must bring a fitness certificate from the doctor.
  • We encourage simple and modest life. Keep modesty in all area and should not bring Ornaments and valuable things in the campus.
  • The damage or loss of the school property, furniture etc. or that of other students should be repaired by the respective students who cause it.
  • Students should wear the prescribed school uniform on all working days, examination days and for all school functions.
  • Only English should be spoken in the school premises to improve communicative skill.

Read good English books and English newspapers to develop proficiency in the English Language and to improve general awareness.